Erfahrener ehemaliger Chefarzt und Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Innere Medizin – Endokrinologie und Diabetologie der Ruhr Universität Bochum – Top Mediziner in der Focus Liste- berät bei allen Erkrankungen des Hormonsystems und bei Diabetes. Alle diagnostischen und therapeutischen Möglichkeiten sind vorhanden.
Prof. Dr. med. Horst Harald Klein

Prof. Dr. med. Horst Harald Klein
Arzt für Innere Medizin – Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
Diagnostik und Therapie aller hormonell bedingten Erkrankungen und des Diabetes mellitus.
Schilddrüse (Über-/Unterfunktion, Knoten, M. Basedow, Hashimoto Thyreoiditis) Nebenschilddrüse und Störungen des Kalziumstoffwechsels, Hypophyse (Tumoren, Prolaktinome, Akromegalie, Cushing Syndrom, Diabetes insipidus, Ausfälle von hypophysären Hormonen) Nebenniere (u.a. hormonell bedingter Bluthochdruck, Adenome), männliche und weibliche Geschlechtshormone (u. a. Testosteronmangel, Hirsutismus, Haarausfall), neuroendokrine Tumorerkrankungen, Knochenstoffwechsel und Osteoporose, Abklärung art. Hypertonie
An neueste Leitlinien angepasste Diagnostik und Therapie des Diabetes mellitus.
01.08.2003 bis 31.08.2021 Universitätsprofessor für Innere Medizin mit den Schwerpunkten Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel der Ruhr Universität Bochum und Direktor der Med. Klinik 1, Berufsgenossenschaftliche Universitätskliniken Bergmannsheil
2017-2022 „TOP-Mediziner“ im Bereich Diabetologie in der Focus Ärzteliste
2007-2021 Vorsitzender der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
2015 – jetzt Mitglied der Kommission Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin
2015-2021 Autorenschaft bei der „Nationalen Versorgungsleitlinie Typ 2 -Diabetes“ (AWMF nvl-001, 2021) sowie den S3- Leitlinien „Therapie des Typ 1-Diabetes“ (2018) und „Ernährungsempfehlungen zur Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus –Proteinzufuhr“ (2015)
2015-2022 Chair, Committee on Clinical Affairs (CCA) der European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
2011-2021 Mitglied des Kuratoriums des Deutschen Diabeteszentrums (DDZ) in Düsseldorf
2011-2013 Vorstandsmitglied und Kongresspräsident 2013 der Deutschen Diabetes Gesellschaft
2007-2012 CHMP Endocrinology/Diabetes der European Medicines Agency
2003-2009 Vorstandsmitglied und Pressesprecher der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie
2002 – 2003 leitender Oberarzt und Bereichsleitung Endokrinologie und Diabetologie, Med. Klinik IV, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
1996 – 2002 Bereichsleitung „Endokrinologie/Diabetologie“ der Medizinischen Klinik I, Universtätsklinikum Lübeck
1986-1996 Assistenz- und ab 1994 Oberarzt der Medizinischen Klinik I, Universitätsklinikum Lübeck
1994 Arzt für Innere Medizin – Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
1991 Arzt für Innere Medizin
1983-1986 „Postdoctoral Fellow“, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of California, San Diego
- Klein, H (1982) Untersuchungen an isolierten Langerhansschen Inseln zur Rolle der mitochondrialen Atmung bei der Auslösung der Insulinsekretion. Dissertation, Universtät Göttingen (1982)
- Panten U, Klein H (1982) O2-consumption by isolated pancreatic islets as measured in a microincubation system with a Clark-type electrode. Endocrinology 111: 1595-1600
- Klein HH, Freidenberg GR, Cordera R, Olefsky JM (1985) Substrate specificities of insulin and epidermal growth factor receptorkinases. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 127: 254-263
- Freidenberg GR, Klein HH, Cordera R, Olefsky JM (1985) Insulin receptor kinase in rat liver: Regulation by fasting and high carbohydrate feeding. J Biol Chem 260: 12444-12453
- Freidenberg GR, Klein HH, Kladde MP, Cordera R, Olefsky JM (1986) Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor number and phosphorylation by fasting in rat liver. J Biol Chem 261: 752-757
- Klein HH, Freidenberg GR, Kladde MP, Olefsky JM (1986) Insulin activation of insulin receptor kinase in intact rat adipocytes: An in vitro system to measure histonekinase activity of insulin receptors activated in vivo. J Biol Chem. 261: 4691-4697
- Freidenberg GR, Henry RR, Klein HH, Reichart DR, Olefsky JM (1987) Decreased kinase activity of insulin receptors from adipocytes of non-insulin dependent diabetic (NIDDM) subjects. J Clin Invest 79: 240-250
- Klein HH, Ciaraldi TP, Freidenberg GR, Olefsky JM (1987) Adenosine modulates insulin activation of insulin receptor kinase in intactrat adipocytes. Endocrinology 120: 2339-2345
- Klein HH, Freidenberg GR, Matthaei S, Olefsky JM (1987) Insulin receptor kinase following internalization in isolated rat adipocytes. J Biol Chem 262 10557-10564
- Brillon DJ, Henry RR, Klein HH, Olefsky JM, Freidenberg G (1988) Functional and structural differences in human and rat-derived insulin receptors: Characterization of the ß-subunit kinase activity. Endocrinology 123: 1837-184
- Matthaei S, Benecke H, Klein HH, Hamann G, Kreymann G, Greten H (1990) Potential mechanism of insulin resistance in ageing: impaired insulin-stimulated glucose transport due to a depletion of the intracellular pool of glucose transporters in Fischer rat adipocytes. J Endocrinology 126: 99-107
- Matthaei S, Hamann A, Klein HH, Benecke H, Kreymann G, Flier S, Greten H (1991) Association of metformin´s effect to increase insulin-stimulated glucose transport with potentiation of insulin-induced translocation of glucose transporters from an intracellular pool to the plasma membrane in rat adipocytes. Diabetes 40: 850-857
- Klein HH, Matthaei S, Drenckhan M, Ries W, Scriba PC (1991) The relationship between insulin binding, insulin-activation of insulin receptortyrosine kinase, and insulin-stimulation of glucose uptake in isolated rat adipocytes. Biochem J 274:
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- Benecke H, Flier J, Rosenthal N, Siddle K, Klein HH, Moller DE (1993) Muscle-specific expression of the human insulin receptor in transgenic mice. Diabetes 42 206-212
- Klein HH, Kowalewski B, Drenckhan M, Neugebauer S, Matthaei S, Kotzke G (1993) A microtiter well assay system to measure insulin-activation of insulin receptor kinase in intact human mononuclear cells: decreased insulin effect in cells
from patients with NIDDM. Diabetes 42: 883-890 - Klein HH, Kowalewski B (1993) A microtiter well assay system to measure the activity state of insulin receptor kinase resulting from stimulation of intact human adipocytes with insulin: Comparison of the activity state „in vivo“ and following subsequent maximal deactivation and/or activation of the same receptors „invitro“. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 101: 336-337
- Quentmeier A, Daneschmand H, Klein HH, Probst I (1993) Insulin-mimetic actions of phorbol-ester in cultured adult rat hepatocytes. Lack of phorbol ester-elicited inhibition of the insulin signal. Biochem J 289: 549-555
- Quentmaier A, Klein HH, Unthan-Fechner K, Probst I (1993) Attenuation of insulin actions in primary rat hepatocyte cultures through complexation of vicinalthiols by phenylarsine oxide. Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler 374: 965-971
- Matthaei S, Reibold J-P, Hamann A, Häring HU, Greten H, Klein HH (1993) In vivo metformin-treatment ameliorates insulin resistance. Evidence for potentiation of insulin-induced translocation and increased functional activity of glucose transporters in obese (fa/fa) Zucker rat adipocytes. Endocrinology 133: 304-31
- Klein HH, Vestergaard H, Kotzke G, Pedersen O (1995) Elevation of serum insulin concentration during euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp studies leads to similar activation of insulin receptor kinase in muscle of subjects with and without NIDDM. Diabetes 44: 1310-1317
- Kotzke G, Schütt M, Missler U, Moller DE, Fehm HL, Klein HH (1995) Binding of human, porcine and bovine insulin to insulin receptors from human brain, muscle and adipocytes, and to expressed recombinant alternatively spliced receptor
isoforms. Diabetologia 38: 757-763 - Matthaei S, Trost B, Hamann A, Kausch C, Benecke H, Greten H, Höppner W, Klein HH (1995) Effect of in vivo thyroid hormone status on insulin signalling and GLUT1 and GLUT4 glucose transport systems in rat adipocytes. J Endocrinol 144:
347-357 - Vestergaard H, Klein HH, Hansen T, Müller J, Skovby F, Bjorbak C, Roder M, Pedersen O (1995) Severe insulin resistant diabetes in patients with congenital muscle fibre type disproportion myopathy. J Clin Invest 95: 1925-1932
- Hansen BF, Danielsen G, Dreijer K, Sorensen A, Wiber F, Klein HH, Lundemose AG (1996) Sustained signalling from the insulin receptor after stimulation with insulin analogues with increased mitogenic potency. Biochem J 315: 271-279
- Klein HH, Kowalewski B, Drenckhan M, Fehm HL (1996) Insulin stimulation of human adipocytes activates the kinase of only a fraction of the insulin receptors. Am J Physiol 272: E576-E583
- Baba T, Drenckhan M, Neugebauer S, Klein H Effect of angiotensin II and bradykinin on insulin-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor. Diabetologia 41 (1998) 742-743
- Gebken J, Luders B, Notbohm H, Klein HH, Brinckmann J, Muller PK, Bätge B (1999) Hypergravity stimulates collagen synthesis in human osteoblast-like cells: evidence for the involvement of p44/42 MAP-kinases (ERK 1/2). J Biochem 126:
676-682 - Klein HH, Müller R, Vestergaard H, Pedersen O (1999) Implications of compound heterozygous insulin receptor mutations in congenital muscle fibre type disproportion myopathy for the receptor kinase activation. Diabetologia 42: 245-249
- Krützfeldt J, Grünweller A, Raasch W, Drenckhan M, Klein HH (1999) Microtiter well assays for protein tyrosine phosphatase activities directed against phosphorylated insulin receptor or insulin receptor substrate-1. Anal Biochem 271: 97-99
- Bätge B, Feydt A, Gebken J, Klein H, Notbohm H, Müller PK, Brinckmann J (2000) Age-related differences in the expression of receptors for TGF-ß in human osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabet 108: 311-315
- Bossenmaier B, Strack V, Stoyanov B, Krützfeldt J, Beck, A, Lehmann R, Kellerer M, Klein HH, Ullrich A, Lammers R, Häring HU (2000) Serine residues 1177/78/82 of the insulin receptor are required for substrate but not autophosphorylation. Diabetes 49 : 889-895
- Klein HH, Müller R, Drenckhan M, Schütt M, Bätge B, Fehm HL (2000) Insulin activation of insulin receptor kinase in erythrocytes is not altered in non-insulin-dependent diabetes and not influenced by hyperglycemia. J Endocrinol 166: 275-281
- Krützfeldt J, Kausch C, Volk A, Klein HH, Rett K, Häring HU, Stumvoll M (2000) Insulin signaling and action in cultured skeletal muscle cells from lean, healthy humans with high and low insulin sensitivity. Diabetes 49 992-998
- Krützfeldt J, Raasch W, Klein HH (2000) Ramipril increases the protein level of skeletal muscle insulin receptor substrate-1 and alters protein tyrosine phosphatase activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. N-S Arch Pharmacol 362: 1-6.
- Ludwig M, Klein HH, Diedrich K, Ortmann O (2000) Serum leptin concentrations throughout the menstrual cycle. Arch Gynecol Obstet 263: 99-101
- Strack V, Hennige AM, Krützfeldt J, Bossenmaier B, Klein HH, Kellerer M, Lammers R, Häring HU (2000) Serine residues 994 and 1023/25 are important for insulin receptor kinase inhibition byprotein kinase C isoforms 2 and .
Diabetologia 43: 443-449 - Schütt M, Drenckhan M, Benecke H, Klein HH (2000) Functional characteristics of Ser1200-mutated insulin receptors. Eur J Endocrinol 143: 125-131
- Schütt M, Meier M, Drenckhan M, Meyer S, Aries SP, Klein HH (2000) The HIV-protease inhibitor indinavir impairs insulin signaling in HepG2 cells. Diabetologia 43: 1145-1148
- Grimmsmann T, Levin K, Meyer M, Beck-Nielsen H, Klein HH (2002) Delays in insulin signaling towards glucose disposal in human skeletal muscle. J Endocrinol 172:645-651
- Jost P, Fasshauer M, Kahn CR, Benito M, Meyer M, Ott V, Lowell BB, Klein HH, Klein J (2002) Atypical ß-adrenergic effects on insulin signaling and action in ß3-adrenoreceptor-deficient brown adipocytes. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 283: E146-53
- Klein J, Fasshauer M, Klein HH, Benito M, Kahn, CR (2002) Novel adipocyte lines from brown fat: A model system for the study of differentiation, energy metabolism, and insulin action. Bioessays 24: 382-388
- Kraus D, Fasshauer M, Ott V, Jost M, Kahn CR, Klein HH, Klein J (2002) Leptin secretion and negative autocrine crosstalk with insulin in brown adipocytes. J Endocrinol 175:185-91.
- Klein HH, Ullmann S, Drenckhan M, Unthan-Fechner K, Probst I (2002) Influence of dexamethasone on insulin actions: Studies in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. J Hepatology 37 432-440
- Meyer MM, Levin K, Grimmsmann T, Beck-Nielsen H, Klein HH (2002) Insulin signaling in skeletal muscle of subjects with or without type 2-diabetes and first degree relatives of patients with the disease. Diabetologia 45: 813-822
- Meyer MM, Levin K, Grimmsmann T, Perwitz N, Eirich A, Beck-Nielsen H, Klein HH (2002) Troglitazone treatment increases protein kinase B phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of normoglycemic subjects at risk for the development of diabetes. Diabetes 51: 2691-2697
- Ott V, Fasshauer M, Dalski A, Klein HH, Klein J (2002) Direct effects of ciliary neurotrophic factor on brown adipocytes: Evidence for a role in peripheral regulation of energy homeostasis. J Endocrinol 173: R1-8
- Ott V, Fasshauer M, Dalski A, Meier B, Klein HH, Tschöp M, Klein J (2002) Direct peripheral effects of ghrelin include suppression of adiponectin expression. Horm Metab Res 34:640-5
- Schütt M, Meier MM, Jost MM, Klein HH (2003) The HIV protease inhibitor indinavir impairs glycogen synthesis in HepG2-hepatoma cells but does not affect phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity against phosphorylated insulin receptor substrate 1. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 111:16-20
- Wolfrum S, Dendorfer A, Schütt M, Weidtmann B, Tempel K, Klein HH, Dominiak P, Richardt G (2004) Simvastatin acutely reduces myocardial reperfusion injury in vivo by activating the phosphatidylinositide (PI) 3-Kinase/Akt pathway. J Cardio-vasc Pharm 44:348-355
- Klein J, Westphal S, Kraus D, Meier B, Perwitz N, Ott V, Fasshauer M, Klein HH (2004) Metformin inhibits leptin secretion via a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling pathway in adipocytes. J Endocrinol 183:299-307
- Schütt M, Zhou J, Meier M, Klein HH (2004) Long-term effects of HIV-protease inhibitors on insulin secretion and insulin signaling in INS-1 beta cells. J Endocrinol 183: 445-45
- Bosy-Westphal A, Brabant G, Haas V, Onur S, Paul T, Nutzinger D, Klein H, Hauer M, Muller MJ (2005) Determinants of plasma adiponectin levels in patients with anorexia nervosa examined before and after weight gain. Eur J Nutr 355-959
- Haas V, Onur S, Paul T, Nutzinger DO, Bosy-Westphal A, Hauer M, Brabant G, Klein H, Müller MJ (2005) Leptin and body weight regulation in patients with anorexia nervosa before and during weight recovery Am J Clin Nutr 81:889-896
- Jost MM, Jost P, Klein J, Klein HH (2005) ß3-adrenergic agonist CL316, 243 inhibits insulin signaling but not glucose uptake in primary human adipocytes. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 113:418-422
- Onur S, Haas V, Bosy-Westphal A, Hauer M, Paul T, Nutzinger D, Klein H, Müller MJ (2005) L-Tri-iodothyronine is a major determinant of resting energy expenditure in underweight patients with anorexia nervosa and during weight gain. Eur J Endocrinol 152:179-84.
- Schneider S, Feilen PJ, Schreckenberger M, Schwanstecher M, Schwanstecher C, Buchholz HG, Thews O, Oberholzer K, Korobeynikov A, Bauman A, Comagic S, Piel M, Schirrmacher E, Shiue CY, Alavi AA, Bartenstein P, Rosch F, Weber MM,
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- Meyer MF, Czaplewski H, Braun J, Hellmich B, Schatz H, Klein HH (2005) Lack of a difference in increased capillary blood cell velocity in the skin over proximal inter-phalangeal joints between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
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- Meyer MF, Schmidt O, Hellmich B, Schatz H, Klein HH, Braun J (2007) Micro-vascular dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis assessed by laser Doppler anemometry: relationship to soluble adhesion molecules and extraarticular manifestations. Rheumatol Int 28:145-52
- Schneider S, Ueberberg S, Korobeynikov A, Schechinger W, Schwanstecher C, Schwanstecher M, Klein HH, Schirrmacher E. (2007) Synthesis and evaluation of a glibenclamide glucose-conjugate: A potential new lead compound for substituted glibenclamide derivatives as islet imaging agents. Regul Pept 139 122-127
- Sudhaus S, Fricke B, Schneider S, Stachon A, Klein H, von During M, Hasenbring M (2007) The cortisol awakening response in patients with acute and chronic low back pain: Relations with psychological risk factors of pain chronicity. Schmerz 21:202-211
- Orcy RB, Schroeder S, Martins-Costa SH, Ramos JG, Schechinger W, Klein H, Brum IS, von Eye Corleta H, Capp E (2008) Signalization of Akt/PKB in the placenta, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of preeclampsia patients. Gynecol Obstet Invest 66(4):231-6
- Meyer MF, Lieps D, Schatz H, Klein HH, Pfohl M (2008) Influence of the duration of type 2 diabetes on early functional and morphological markers of atherosclerosis compared to the impact of classic cardiovascular risk factors. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 116:298-304
- Dietrich JW, Stachon A, Antic B, Klein HH, Hering S (2008) The AQUA-FONTIS Study: Protocol of a multidisciplinary, cross-sectional and prospective longitudinal study for developing standardized diagnostics and classification of non-thyroidal illness syndrome. BMC Endocr Disord 8:13-22
- Viebahn R, Klein H, Kraemer B, Schenker P (2009) Is Pancreas Transplantation Getting Old? Single-center Experience in an Aging Society. Clinical Transplants Chapter 12
- Sudhaus S, Fricke B, Stachon A, Schneider S, Klein H, Düring M, Hasenbring M (2009) Salivary cortisol and psychological mechanisms in patients with acute versus chronic low back pain. Psychoneuroendocrinology 34, 513—522
- Meyer M, Rose CJ, Schatz H, Klein HH (2009) effects of a short term improvement in glycemic control on skin microvascular dysfunction in type 1 and type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetic Medicine 26 880-886
- Ueberberg S, Meier JJ, Waengler C, Schechinger W, Dietrich JW, Tannapfel A, Schmitz I, Schirrmacher R, Köller M, Klein HH, Schneider S (2009) Generation of novel single-chain antibodies by phage-display technology to direct imaging agents
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- Meier JJ, Köhler CU, Alkhatib B, Sergi C, Junker T, Klein HH, Schmidt WE, Fritsch H (2010) β-cell development and turnover during prenatal life in humans. Eur J Endocrinol 2010 162: 559-568
- Viebahn R, Klein H, Kraemer B, Schenker P (2009) Is pancreas transplantation getting old? Single-center experience in an aging society. Clin Transpl. 2009:165-699.
- Ueberberg S, Ziegler D, Schechinger W, Dietrich JW, Akinturk S, Klein HH, Schneider S (2010) In vitro phage display in a rat beta cell line: a simple approach for the generation of a single-chain antibody targeting a novel beta cell-specific
epitope. Diabetologia 53:1384-1394. - Hartleb S, Plöckinger U, Stalla GK, Tuschy U, Weber MM, Pfützner A, Kann PH; German KIMS Board; German KIMS Pharmacogenetics Study Group (2011) Additive effect of GHRd3 and COLIA1 polymorphisms on the GH-substitution dose in GH-deficient adults. Pharmacogenomics12:1653-1661
- Schneider S, Klein HH (2011) Preserved insulin secretion capacity and graft function of cryostored encapsulated rat islets. Regul Pept 166:135-138
- Schneider S, Klein HH (2011) Long-term graft function of cryostored alginate encapsulated rat islets. Eur J Med Res 16:396-400.
- Ueberberg S, Deutschbein T, Klein HH, Dietrich JW, Akinturk S, Prochnow N, Schirrmacher R, Schneider S (2011) Protection from diabetes development by single-chain antibody-mediated delivery of a NF-kappa B inhibitor specifically to beta-cells in vivo. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 301:E83-90
- Giebelstein J, Poschmann G, Højlund K, Schechinger W, Dietrich JW, Levin K, Beck-Nielsen H, Podwojski K, Stühler K, Meyer HE, Klein HH (2012) The proteomic signature of insulin resistant human skeletal muscle reveals increased glycolytic and decreased mitochondrial enzymes. Diabetologia 55:1114-1127
- Schöfl C, Franz H, Grussendorf M, Honegger J, Jaursch-Hancke C, Mayr B, Schopohl J, participants of the German Acromegaly Register. (2013) Long-term outcome in patients with acromegaly: analysis of 1344 patients from the German Acromegaly Register. Eur J Endocrinol 168:39-47
- Goede SL, Leow MK, Smit JW, Klein HH, Dietrich JW (2014) Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid Feedback Control: Implications of Mathematical Modeling and Consequences for Thyrotropin (TSH) and Free Thyroxine (FT4)
Reference Ranges. Bull Math Biol 76:1270-87 - Dietrich JW, Müller P, Schiedat F, Schlömicher M, Strauch J, Chatzitomaris A, Klein HH, Mügge A, Köhrle J, Rijntjes E, Lehmphul I (2015) Nonthyroidal Illness Syndrome in Cardiac Illness Involves Elevated Concentrations of 3,5-Diiodothyronine and Correlates with Atrial Remodeling. Eur Thyroid J DOI: 10.1159/000381543
- Chatzitomaris A, Hoermann R, Midgley JE, Hering S, Urban A, Dietrich B, Abood A, Klein HH, Dietrich JW (2017) Thyroid Allostasis-Adaptive Responses of Thyrotropic Feedback Control to Conditions of Strain, Stress, and Developmental Programming. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 8:163. doi:10.3389/fendo.2017.00163. eCollection 2017
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- Müller P, Dietrich JW, Lin T, Bejinariu A, Binnebößel S, Bergen F, Schmidt J, Müller SK, Chatzitomaris A, Kurt M, Gerguri S, Clasen L, Klein HH, Kelm M, Makimoto H (2020) Usefulness of Serum Free Thyroxine Concentration to Predict Ventricular Arrhythmia Risk in Euthyroid Patients With Structural Heart Disease. Am J Cardiol. 125:1162-1169
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- Schütt M, Aries SP, Rosenfeldt M, Peters A, Klein HH (2000) Short term treatment with indinavir fails to reduce the glucose requirement in a patient with malignant insulinoma Am J Med 108: 524
- Bätge B, Struck J, Klein HH, Brinckmann J (2000) Schwere Vitamin D-Mangel-Osteomalazie durch Koinzidenz mehrerer Risikofaktoren. Deut Med Wschr 125: 761-765
- Schütt M, Lorch H, Krüger S, Peters A, Klein HH (2001) Rezidivierende Hypoglykämien bei malignem Insulinom: Chemoembolisation als Therapieoption. Med Klin 96: 632-636
- Klein J, Ott V, Schütt M, Klein HH (2002) Recurrent hypoglycemic episodes in a patient with type 2-diabetes under fibrate therapy. J Diabetes Complications 16: 246-248
- von Sengbusch A, Tannapfel A, Klein HH, Hering S (2010) Hepatomegalie und erhöhte Transaminasen bei einer 24-jährigen Patientin mit Typ 1-Diabetes mellitus. Internist 51:84-87
- Manolopoulos KN, Barthel A, Nicolas V, Klein HH, Hering S (2010) Necrotizing fasciitis of the back musculature as a complication of acquired perforating collagenosis in diabetes mellitus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95:11-12
- Dietrich JW, Ehren M, Ruff-Dietrich S, Klein HH (2013) 43-year-old woman with diabetes and postoperative circulatory collapse. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 138:945
- Chatzitomaris A, Scheeler M, Gotzmann M, Köditz R, Schildroth J, Knyhala KM, Nicolas V, Heyer C, Mügge A, Klein HH, Dietrich JW (2015) Second degree AV block and severely impaired contractility in cardiac myxedema: a case report. Thyroid Res. 8:6.
- Chatzitomaris A, Eisenhofer G, Williams TA, Worms O, Nicolas V, Reincke M , Klein HH Steroid profiling as an additional tool to confirm one-sided hormone overproduction in primary aldosteronism: a case report. Frontiers Endocrin doi: 10.3389/fendo.2019.00597. eCollection 2019.PMID: 31555214
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- Kern W, Stange EF, Fehm HL, Klein HH (1999) Glukokortikoid-induzierter Diabetes mellitus bei gastroenterologischen Erkrankungen. Z Gastroenterol 13, Suppl 1: 36-42
- Schütt M, Meier M, Klein HH (2003) Das HIV-Proteasehemmer-induzierte Insulinresistenzsyndrom. Med Klin 98 271-276
- Ehren M, Klein HH (2004) Hypoglykämien bei der Behandlung von Diabetes: Patienten und Bezugspersonen für den Ernstfall trainieren. CardioVasc
- Klein HH (2004) Aktuelle Kontroversen in der Endokrinologie. MMW-Fortschr. Med. 9 121
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